Theosophical Society, Cardiff Lodge,
206 Newport Road,
Cardiff, Wales, UK:- CF24 – 1DL.

First World War Poster Campaign in London
to encourage women to put pressure on their
men to join up
Theosophy and the Great
God’s Temples
Annie Besant
First Published September 26th 1914
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IN a telegram
received yesterday, we are told that H.H. the new Pope has addressed a protest
to the German Kaiser against the demolition of Rheims Cathedral. The Pope is reported to have
expressed himself as
follows: "When you destroy temples of God, you provoke the
Divine ire before which even the most potent armies lose all power". We do
not think slightingly of the great Roman Catholic Church, or of its new Head,
of whom we have all reason to expect that he will prove himself a capable,
noble-minded, and venerable leader of his Church; and yet we cannot help
dissenting in a most trenchant way from the sentiments expressed in the
telegram. To us they represent a hopeless confusion of ideas and a sorrowful
falsification of ideals. First, the minor objection.
The Rheims Cathedral stands unique as a work of art, as an
historical document wrought in stone and marble, irreplaceable. But it is not
on this ground that its demolition is condemned, not for the sin committed, in
its violation, towards civilisation, culture, art.
All that is passed by in silence; the only ground given is the mediaeval
argument that this was a "home of God". But the Pope must surely know
that "where two or three are gathered together in My
name, there am I in the midst of them". Where such meetings take place,
there are the true temples of God to be found, in a more real and religious
sense than any architectural monument can be so, which for scores of years has
attracted more tourists than devotees to its shrine. The second objection is
the moral argument used: "You insult God; God will in His ire strike you
in return". That is monkish and mediaeval again, not sound or refined
morality. We would have vastly preferred the categorical argument: "Be not
a barbarian, not cruel, no vandal," to the Jehovean
threat, "Don't touch My churches, or I will smite
you". Lastly, there is the old, old mistake of the Church of taking the
outer for the inner; the building for the spirit; the shrine for the soul. Where is the supreme Pontiff's condemnation
of the root, the naked reality, of all the brutish, hellish barbarity? "Ye
are the living temple of God. The God dwelleth in
you." Where is the condemnation of the demolition and ruin of the 80,000
German "temples of God" lying unburied before Maubeuge;
of the 1200 "temples of God" sunk a day ago in the North Sea; of the
tens of thousands of Austrian "temples of God" destroyed in Galicia
and damming up its rivers; of the untold other "temples of God"
hungering, maimed, plunged in sorrow and pain or ruined, in France, Belgium,
England, India, Germany, Russia, Servia, Austria, all
over the world?
No, the great
Priest of the Seven Hills has - if the reported telegram is authentic - not
shown well in this his first international utterance. This is priestly, not human,
talk, in answer to the voices of hell that have broken loose. What humanity at
this moment wants is not the prattle of priests, but words truly divine,
ringing out the life-giving note we are dying to hear. Anything falling short
of this also fails to answer the human cry of despair, the wail of pain, that arises to the skies from a world in sorrow,
plunged in darkness and anguish of soul. Is there no religion left on earth
which can bring forth such a voice?
New India
September 26,
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Theosophical Society, Cardiff Lodge,
206 Newport Road,
Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 – 1DL.
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