Theosophy in Wales
Ancient & Modern

History of the Theosophical
Society in Wales
Charitable Works for the Children
of Hungary & Wales 1924
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The tradition of helping charities or supporting good causes has
continued since the early days of Theosophy in Wales and the work outlined here
is a good indicator of the concern of Theosophists for less fortunate people
both in the UK and
abroad and their preparedness to take action.
Children of Hungary
It is recorded in meeting notes of 1924 that a large amount of
clothing had been made and forwarded to the children of Hungary. The
report makes no mention of any (used) clothing being collected but it seems
unlikely that only “made” clothing was sent. This initiative was a national
effort on the part of the Theosophical Society and involved Theosophists and
others all over Wales.
Conditions in Hungary were
brought to the attention of the TS in Wales by
Welsh Theosophists who attended the 1923 International Convention in Vienna, some
of whom visited Budapest.
The early 1920s were a difficult time in the newly independent Hungary which
was formed in 1918 from the break up of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Within
months of independence Hungary
experienced a Communist revolution under Bela Kun who
established a communist State which lasted only 133 days before being
overthrown by Rumanian forces which occupied Budapest. As
the Rumanian forces withdrew in 1920, the Regency of Admiral Miklos Horthy was established. Mikos Horthy’s government
survived an attempted coup in 1921 and his regime forced many Hungarians into
Children of Merthyr
In records for the same year Mr John Marzan
is commended for his work with the “poor children of Merthyr”.
The work is not specified but it is known that Mr Marzan
was involved in many charities that provided real practical help for deprived
people in Wales and
was particularly concerned about the effects of malnutrition. He also organized
trips to the seaside for underprivileged children, some of whom has never seen
the sea. It is also known that Mr Marzan continued
his work for many years.
Despite a boom in the coal industry in the 30 years leading up to
the First World War, there had always been social deprivation in Merthyr. This was generally true throughout the South Wales
Coalfield. The situation worsened after 1918 with a fall in the worldwide
demand for coal.
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Theosophical Society, Cardiff Lodge,
206 Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 – 1DL.